dilluns, 27 de setembre del 2010

Call for submissions for HAFFTube 2010

Call for submissions for HAFFTube 2010

The Holland Animation Film Festival is pleased to continue its web competition. HAFFTube, that’s where it all happens. HAFFTube is our official channel within YouTube. Next to the competition, the channel will be a place to find footage of past festival editions, trailers and contacts of the festival.

Visit HAFFTube and post your reaction! www.youtube.com/HAFFTube

The web competition
The web competition is open for entries right now. The channel will be filled with an international state of the art selection of contemporary animated films from all over the world with a maximum length of 5 minutes. At the set limit of 50 films, the voting begins. Holland Animation Film Festival will rate the films and daily films will be voted out, thus, creating possibilities for new films.

Deadline for submitting films is October 10.

An international jury selects the winner of the web to be announced at the opening ceremony at 3 November. The director of the winning films will be hosted at the Holland Animation Film Festival with a festival pass and arranged stay in a hotel.

Participate now!
Go to HAFFTube, read the regulations and send the required information. Please be kind (also to yourself) to note that your film should be uploaded on YouTube before entering the competition.

• Tag your film on YouTube ‘HAFF2010’.

• Send the following information to entry@haff.nl and soon your film appears on HAFFTube: Original title - English title - Direction (name, country, email address, website), Production (name, country, email address, website) - Production year - Running time (min:sec) - Synopsis - URL of the film on YouTube and at least one digital still in full colour. Specifications of digital stills: JPEG in high resolution (300dpi) and 70mm width.

• Compete for the final fifty films at the web competition of HAFF 2010.
See you at HAFFTube soon!

For more information see www.haff.nl

Holland Animation Film Festival | 3-7 november 2010 | www.haff.nl