dilluns, 18 de juliol del 2011

Animac obre la convocatòria per a l'edició de 2012

Ja pots inscriure la teva pel·lícula animada. Trobaràs les bases i el formulari d'inscripció a la nostra pàgina web http://www.animac.cat/. Recordeu que el període d'inscripció finalitza el proper 21 de octubre.

Ya puedes inscribir tu película animada. Encontrarás las bases y el formulario de inscripción en nuestra página web http://www.animac.cat/. Recuerda que el periodo de inscripción finaliza el próximo 21 de octubre.

Animac calls for entries. You can already register your animated film. You will find our entry form and rules on our web page http://www.animac.cat/. Please remember that our deadline is October 21st.

dilluns, 2 de maig del 2011

Call for entries for animation festivals ending shortly

El cartell de l'OIAF 2011

Do you have an animated film? Do you want it to be in festivals all over the world? Then you must register it!
Here you have a list of the call for entries ending shortly:

*Cartoon Club, the International Festival of Animation and Comics, will close its call for entries next 15th May. The festival will take place from 8th to 30th of July 2011 in Rimini (Italy). For any further information, contact them: info@cartoonclub.it / +39 0541 784193.

*OIAF's (Ottawa International Animation Festival) call for entries will end May 20th. The festival, taking place in Ottawa (Canada) may provide more details at info@animationfestival.ca or +1 613 232 8769.

*Anim'est International Animation Film Festival, taking place in Bucharest (Romania) from 7th to 10th October 2011, will have its Call for entries open until 1 June. Contact them by e-mail contact@estenest.ro or phone +40 746 785 180.

(Taken from Catalan Films & TV website)

dimarts, 26 d’abril del 2011

Pas a Pas, a prototipe to use stop motion in schools

Pas a Pas is an interactive educational tool for schools that enables children to learn and experiment with different sets of elements using animation. It aims to use the physicality and the animated outcome of stop motion animation to bridge the gap between abstract concepts from maths, physics or arts (usually represented by graphs, equations or words) and reality.

The system consist of three aspects: a platform to record and display animations, sets of elements for animating and a community to share the content generated.

The platform has a display, a camera and an interface with three main modes:

- Assistant: the display shows a guide for the children to place the elements at the right position in each frame. This way it introduces the students to the set of elements and enables them to explore concepts that are being taught in the conventional curriculum. It also intends to give a progressive learning of stop motion techniques in order to create better and more realistic animations.
- Director: children can create their own animated movies using the pieces provided or other objects.
- Collection: children can browse through movies that have been recorded on the same platform, or on remote platforms located in other schools.

Different sets of elements are designed to teach specific content for a certain age group, such as Geometry for 4 to 6 year olds. Each set comes with a cartridge that contains the animation guides. Aside from the sets that the system offers, the collection is scalable as teachers can easily create new animation exercises and share them with the community.

The community serves to provide a space for exchanging knowledge and material generated using the system and discuss new methods of teaching using stop motion animation.

Research with teachers has been carried out during the design process in order to better integrate the platform into the existing educational system, as well as co-creation and validation of the first tutorials. Sessions with professional animators served to provide insightful feedback on the interface for shooting and editing stop motion. User testing was carried out in a Montessori kindergarten - the concept shares the philosophy of Montessori education methods, and it's aligned with its materials and curriculum.

Pas a Pas has been conceived and developed by Ishac Bertran as a final project at Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design.

To have a better idea of how it works, don't miss this video: http://vimeo.com/17885101
In its second part you will see the real free interaction of children with the prototipe. Just amazing!!

Contact its creator: info [at] pasapas-project.com

(A partir de una noticia leída en http://www.pixelydixel.com
Fotos extraídas de http://www.pasapas-project.com/)

dimarts, 12 d’abril del 2011

Chitrakatha 2011: call for entries

The 3rd issue of Chitrakatha is about to come.
The International Student Animation Festival has been supported from the very beginnings by Animac and specially its director, Isabel Herguera.
It takes place in the Indian city of Ahmedabad and this year's dates are 19th-23rd October.
The call for entries has already been open (deadline: Sep. 20th), and there are three categories (animation, comic and gag).

As said in their entry regulations, "Chitrakatha is a non-commercial festival for promotion and awareness. It has no ‘CASH’ award" but it is a great experience just to be there, simply unforgettable.

Find more info in their site: http://www.nid.edu/chitrakatha/CallEntry.html